Welcome to The Leche Trust

Supporting the performing arts, heritage conservation and training for young professionals in both these fields

CHANGE OF START DATE: Due to some changes to the eligibility and application guidance, Round 3 of Performing Arts and Heritage Conservation grants will now open on 31st March 2025. 



 All the information you will need to apply for funding through the Trust is contained on this website. However, please do feel free to get in touch with the Grants Director Gareth Clayton, if you have any questions about the type of funding that The Leche Trust is able to provide.

Apply for funding

Most of our funding is allocated through our main grants programme which supports projects in two areas: performing arts and heritage conservation.


A group of young theatre trainees posing for photo
Complicité: Mudlarks Young Devisers programme in collaboration with The Barbican, London 2023. Photo: Matthew Kaltenborn

Performing arts

At the Leche Trust we believe that the arts – and artists – make the world a better place. A healthy and dynamic society is reflected in a vibrant arts ecology: we want to support work that is original, to nurture artists and their creativity.

Armorial register of the Garter, opened to a two-page spread of arms designs
Conservation of Armorial of the Garter, circa 1580. Lichfield Cathedral Library Photo: Lichfield Cathedral

Heritage conservation

We support the conservation of historically, artistically and culturally significant buildings and objects dating from before 1837 that are in urgent need of remedial treatment. Items must be in public or charitable ownership and accessible to the public.